Five Characters in Bhagavad Gita

Five Characters in Bhagavad Gita – Who do we represent among these five characters based on Bhagavad Gita Chapter one – 1. Dhritarashtra 2. Duryodhana and his party 3. Arjuna 4. Sanjay 5. Lord Krishna? There are five principal characters as introduced in Chapter 1. These characters represent all of us in any society at any time.

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Five Characters in Bhagavad Gita | Main Characters in the Bhagavadgita

 1. Dhritarashtra

He knows who God is and what is dharma. But he was self-centre and was too attached to his son. He is person who lived a discontent life  that  he has been wrong. He was deprived of kingship and the kingdom was hand over to Pandu. So he lived a life with  life time grudge against destiny and providence.

We are all placed in different situations by the destiny/providence. Our parents, our abilities, our genders, fame/infamy are given to us by destiny. It is our destiny that gives us our chldren. Just like Lord Ram explained to mother Kaushalya that his exile to forest for 14 years although he was supposed to be coronated as the king is an act of destiny. Dhritarashtra could not accept the destiny. This is biggest fraility not being able to accept the destiny – the will of the providence.

2. Duryodhana and his party

These characters completely discard God and are too confident about their own prowess, abilities and resources. This is demonic mentality. They do not learn from history that even likes of Ravana and Hiranyakashupu are effortlessly annihilated.

3. A confused Arjuna

Arjuna has fought with likes of Lord Shiva and Indra. Yet he is able to say that let Duryodhana behead him in an unarmed state. How could Arjun land himself into such despair and helplessness? Being a pure devotee he has no reason to be confuse but Lord Krishna create a situation for him to be confused. When Arjuna gets confuse, he will surely surrender to Lord Krishna. Using Arjuna, Lord Krishna will mitigate our ignorance through torchlight of knowledge.

While confused, Arjuna  gave two pertinent reasons for not fighting:

a. Duryodhan has no sense of what he is doing as he is shroude in ignorance.

b. Whoever wins, will win at the cost of 640 million soldiers. That means at least 640 million widows will be there which will cause adultery and varnashankara.

But good part of Arjun being confuse is that he will surrender to Lord Krishna. This is the all auspicious act and will result in Bhagavad Gita.

A devotee when gets confuse takes shelter of Lord Krishna. We are all confuse but we do not know that we are confusing. Rather we speak like learned pundits at our own peril.

4. Sanjay

A neutral observer – by simply listening to the divine instructions, he gets enlightened and concludes that any one who fights on behalf of Lord Krishna will always be victorious.

5. Lord Krishna

He is the sommum bonum. He is the Absolute Truth. But He has become a simple chariot driver – what a magnanimity! The master of all Mystics is serving His pure devotee. This is the essence of the entire Bhagavad Gita – those who get intimately connected to the Lord for them Lord willingly becomes their menial servant.

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Bhagavad Gita