Reincarnation: A Matter Of Chance Or A Matter Of Consciousness

Reincarnation: A Matter Of Chance Or A Matter Of Consciousness – A conditioned soul has certain consciousness and according to that consciousness, the supersoul brings it to the semen of a man and guided to the womb of a woman. Thereafter there is formation of a single cell and from that single cell again by the guidance of the supersoul starts to multiply. So if there is the consciousness of a dog, the soul would go to a dog’s body. So the subtle body consciousness is very important. The consciousness has a form which depends on whether one has performed piously or sinfully in prev births. And therefore it gets guided to a particular species where it gets a form accordingly. The body creates a restriction on the consciousness. So if one is a rich man but has consciousness of a dog, his subtle body would then carry the soul to the body of a dog. Similarly, in a certain body one commits sinful activities alone lile family of butcher.

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