🤔Reflected and pure consciousness what are these two kinds of consciousness and how they exist simultaneously in the same body?

That is because reflected consciousness is much grosser than the pure consciousness. That latter is as subtle as the soul. Subtle body becomes depraved when separated from Krishna. And so it becomes very violent. Clouds cover the suns rays. Similarly, reflected consciousness covers the puny pure consciousness of the soul. That is by the will of the Supreme lord. Matter exists in subtle form as pradhan or mahat tattva. The soul brings in individuality or feeling of I-ness. Mahat tattva doesnt have that individuation on its own. Thus, material energy is cleavable and therefore becomes varieties of individuation. Although it is inert.

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Reincarnation: A Matter Of Chance Or A Matter Of Consciousness

Reincarnation: A Matter Of Chance Or A Matter Of Consciousness – A conditioned soul has certain consciousness and according to that consciousness, the supersoul brings it to the semen of a man and guided to the womb of a woman. Thereafter there is formation of a single cell and from that single cell again by the guidance of the supersoul starts to multiply. So if there is the consciousness of a dog, the soul would go to a dog’s body. So the subtle body consciousness is very important. The consciousness has a form which depends on whether one has performed piously or sinfully in prev births. And therefore it gets guided to a particular species where it gets a form accordingly. The body creates a restriction on the consciousness. So if one is a rich man but has consciousness of a dog, his subtle body would then carry the soul to the body of a dog. Similarly, in a certain body one commits sinful activities alone lile family of butcher.

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