Spiritualising our Mood of Competitiveness!!!

Spiritualising our Mood of Competitiveness

Hare Krishna!!

This material world is a civilization of competition. We cannot live without being competitive. It is our natural tendency. Students, businessmen, artisans, etc. work with tending to come out as the best.

Let us talk on this topic having Vedic insight!!

Everything in the material world comes out from the spiritual world. Means: that there is also a divine flood of competitions eternally held in the spiritual world. The result is divine pleasure. The competitors, in the spiritual world, relish the divine fruits of eternal bliss altogether. They celebrate it as a festival, no matter whether one has won or lost. Festival of divine competitions!! Flood of divine competitions!!

One can ask: why does one celebrate if one loses?? Reason: devotional services, in the divine cosmos, are held for the pleasure of the spiritual master and The Supreme Lord and not for the pleasure of oneself. (hṛṣīkeṇa hṛṣīkeśa-sevanaṁ bhaktir ucyate: CC Madhya 19.170) As a result, the devotees achieve transcendental bliss by the will of the all-merciful Lord Hari. Thus, competitions, in the spiritual world, create an atmosphere of divine happiness and pure love.

But, in the material world, competitions are held for the satisfaction of one’s senses, which at the present state are impure with lust, envy, greed, and so on. Pleasing our selfish whims!!

Our material senses, and our materially affected whims are not permanent.

This means: that satisfaction out of competition brings NO eternal bliss. That’s temporary. Thus, if we lose, then we get envious. Thus occurs war, stress, depression, and many other problems at different levels. And, if we win, then we get puffed up out of pride. Both are diseases for us. How can one be happy if he is diseased??? NO!! we cannot be. It’s our illusion only.

What should we do??

We need to spiritualize our spirit of being competitive, and thus our senses. We should be competitive for pleasing the spiritual master and The Supreme Lord Krishna, which will spontaneously bring eternal happiness and bliss, as our very nature is blissful being the part and parcels of The Supreme Lord, which is now covered by avidyā Or ignorance, for which we have forgotten our real blissful identity and our divine relationship with the Lord.

Let us altogether spiritualize our mood of competitiveness and bring eternal happiness in our lives!! Let us chant the glorious holy name for the divine pleasure of Guru and Gauranga!!

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare//

Hare Rama Hare Rama

Rama Rama Hare Hare//

Hare Krishna!!!

Śrī Kṛṣṇa- Unborn or Born | LORD KRISHNA’S Divine Advent & Its Principles

(Janmashtami Special)

Śrī Kṛṣṇa- Unborn or Born | LORD KRISHNA’S Divine Advent & Its Principles

Sri krshna


Everything is transcendental & beyond our material calculations, whether it be His Name, Form, Qualities, or pastimes of The Lord. There is no tinge of material impurities in Him. Due to our ignorance and poor fund of knowledge, we assume Him as an ordinary person.

If we talk about ourselves, we are also not this gross material body (made of 5 gross elements), but eternal blissful spirit souls, constitutionally part and parcels of The Lord, but due to our association with matter from time immemorial, we have forgotten our original eternal identity, and have left our original loving Father..

So how can The Supreme Personality Of Godhead be an ordinary man..!?

Aja :

One of the unlimited names of The Lord is “Aja” meaning “Unborn”. So, How are we celebrating Janmastami!?

Lord Srī Krsna had entered first into the consciousness of Vasudeva, who was in the constant meditation of The Lord, and from there to the consciousness of mother Devaki, from her heart, He appeared in her most fortunate womb. One should not make the mistake by thinking that Devaki got Srī Krsna, like the human way of begetting a child. When the Lord appeared before Vasudeva and Mother Devaki, He was adorned with six opulences (knowledge, wealth, fame, strength, beauty and renunciation) to the fullest.

Even the effulgence of 100 crores of suns faded and seemed like mere fireflies in front of The Lord’s divine effulgence. The Lord at once filled the eyes of His parents with awe and reverence for Him and tears of spiritual bliss filled their eyes, and their hearts were filled with divine fearlessness. Then, from His lotus lips, He ordered His parents to take Him to Gokula.

Do any of the babies of this world come like this!?

Srīla Sukadeva Goswami reveals in Srīmad Bhagavatam {The essence of all the vedic literatures} ;

ŚB 10.2.18:

tato jagan-maṅgalam acyutāṁśaṁ

samāhitaṁ śūra-sutena devī

dadhāra sarvātmakam ātma-bhūtaṁ

kāṣṭhā yathānanda-karaṁ manastaḥ


Thereafter, accompanied by plenary expansions, the fully opulent Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is all-auspicious for the entire universe, was transferred from the mind of Vasudeva to the mind of Devakī. Devakī, having thus been initiated by Vasudeva, became beautiful by carrying Lord Kṛṣṇa, the original consciousness for everyone, the cause of all causes, within the core of her heart, just as the east becomes beautiful by carrying the rising moon.

The Lord Himself says in Bg. 10.3 ;

yo mām ajam anādiṁ ca

vetti loka-maheśvaram

asammūḍhaḥ sa martyeṣu

sarva-pāpaiḥ pramucyate


He who knows Me as the unborn, as the beginningless, as the Supreme Lord of all the worlds – he only, undeluded among men, is freed from all sins.

Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa says in B. G. 7.7;

mattaḥ parataraṁ nānyat

kiñcid asti dhanañ-jaya

mayi sarvam idaṁ protaṁ

sūtre maṇi-gaṇā iva


O conqueror of wealth, there is no truth superior to Me. Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread.

Let’s dive into the world of divinity, & know what great acharyas and Lord Brahma say about Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa.

The Divine Concept Of Divinity


In Brahma Samhita 5.1Lord Brahma says;

ishvarah paramah krishnah


anadir adir govindaha



Krsna who is known as Govinda is the Supreme Godhead. He has an eternal blissful spiritual body. He

is the origin of all. He has no other origin and He is the prime cause of all causes.

Kṛṣṇa’s transcendental body is eternal, full of knowledge and bliss. Sat means ever-existing for all time and in all places; in other words, all-pervading in time and space. Cit means full of knowledge. Kṛṣṇa has nothing to learn from anyone. He is independently full of all knowledge. Ānanda means the reservoir of all pleasure.

(Nectar of Devotion).

In the Viṣṇu-yāmala-tantra there is a statement that because the Personality of Godhead and His expanded bodies are always full of knowledge, bliss and eternity, they are always free from the eighteen kinds of material contaminations—illusion, fatigue, errors, roughness, material lust, restlessness, pride, envy, violence, disgrace, exhaustion, untruth, anger, hankering, dependence, desire to lord over the universe, seeing duality and cheating.

(Nectar of Devotion)

Nectar Devotion

Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa affirms in Bhagavad-Gītā in 4.9;

janma karma ca me divyam

evaṁ yo vetti tattvataḥ

tyaktvā dehaṁ punar janma

naiti mām eti so ’rjuna


One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna.

Matchless purport by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda


The Lord’s descent from His transcendental abode is already explained in the sixth verse. One who can understand the truth of the appearance of the Personality of Godhead is already liberated from material bondage, and therefore he returns to the kingdom of God immediately after quitting this present material body. Such liberation of the living entity from material bondage is not at all easy. The impersonalists and the yogīs attain liberation only after much trouble and many, many births. Even then, the liberation they achieve – merging into the impersonal brahma-jyotir of the Lord – is only partial, and there is the risk of returning to this material world.

But the devotee, simply by understanding the transcendental nature of the body and activities of the Lord, attains the abode of the Lord after ending this body and does not run the risk of returning to this material world. In the Brahma-saṁhitā (5.33) it is stated that the Lord has many, many forms and incarnations: advaitam acyutam anādim ananta-rūpam. Although there are many transcendental forms of the Lord, they are still one and the same Supreme Personality of Godhead. One has to understand this fact with conviction, although it is incomprehensible to mundane scholars and empiric philosophers. As stated in the Vedas (Puruṣa-bodhinī Upaniṣad):

eko devo nitya-līlānurakto
bhakta-vyāpī hṛdy antar-ātmā

“The one Supreme Personality of Godhead is eternally engaged in many, many transcendental forms in relationships with His unalloyed devotees.” This Vedic version is confirmed in this verse of the Gītā personally by the Lord. He who accepts this truth on the strength of the authority of the Vedas and of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and who does not waste time in philosophical speculations attains the highest perfectional stage of liberation. Simply by accepting this truth on faith, one can, without a doubt, attain liberation.

The Vedic version tat tvam asi is actually applied in this case. Anyone who understands Lord Kṛṣṇa to be the Supreme, or who says unto the Lord, “You are the same Supreme Brahman, the Personality of Godhead,” is certainly liberated instantly, and consequently his entrance into the transcendental association of the Lord is guaranteed. In other words, such a faithful devotee of the Lord attains perfection, and this is confirmed by the following Vedic assertion:

tam eva viditvāti mṛtyum eti
nānyaḥ panthā vidyate ’yanāya

“One can attain the perfect stage of liberation from birth and death simply by knowing the Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and there is no other way to achieve this perfection.” (Śvetāśvatara Upaniṣad 3.8) That there is no alternative means that anyone who does not understand Lord Kṛṣṇa as the Supreme Personality of Godhead is surely in the mode of ignorance and consequently he will not attain salvation simply, so to speak, by licking the outer surface of the bottle of honey, or by interpreting the Bhagavad-gītā according to mundane scholarship. Such empiric philosophers may assume very important roles in the material world, but they are not necessarily eligible for liberation. Such puffed-up mundane scholars have to wait for the causeless mercy of the devotee of the Lord. One should therefore cultivate Kṛṣṇa consciousness with faith and knowledge, and in this way attain perfection.


In B. G. 4.6 , Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa says;

ajo ’pi sann avyayātmā

bhūtānām īśvaro ’pi san

prakṛtiṁ svām adhiṣṭhāya

sambhavāmy ātma-māyayā


Although I am unborn and My transcendental body never deteriorates, and although I am the Lord of all living entities, I still appear in every millennium in My original transcendental form.

So, let’s prepare our consciousness for the divine appearance of The Lord in our hearts too!, by reading and knowing from the authentic treasures that The Lord and the great acharyas have stored for us and dive into the realm of divinity, eternity, and bliss!

Krishna’s Loving Family

Krishna’s Loving Family

Hare Krishna!!

We all have a tendency to build relationships, good relations!! We all want loving relationships: of mother, father, friends, etc. Nowadays, our lives are going through complexities of modernization. Sometimes, our good relations, even that of very tender age, not run long. A little wrong misconception makes our long-running intimate relationship bad. Sometimes, situations like natural calamities, diseases or sudden death snatch away this relationship.

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Transcendental Traits of Krishna’s Personality

Transcendental Traits of Krishna’s Personality

Transcendental Traits Of Krishna Personality – Any person is referred to by his name, form, address, activities and qualities. Krishna, being the Absolute Person, also has infinite names, infinite forms, and infinite qualities. He performs sweet pastimes with His devotees and He has a definite address. But all these traits of Krishna are divine.

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Is Krishna God?

Is Krishna God?

Is Krishna God? – In Bhagavad Gita whenever Krishna speaks, Vyasadeva didn’t write Sri Krishna uvaca, rather he writes this as Sri Bhagavan uvaca. Everybody knows that Krishna spoke Bhagavad Gita then why did he write “Sri Bhagavan uvaca”? Because he anticipated that a time will come in future when people will ascribe Lord Krishna as a mere human being. Such understanding would minimize the Absolute position of Bhagavad Gita. Therefore to prevent such abuse of this great literature, Srila Vyasadev wisely preserves Lord Krishna’s supreme position.

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Who is God?

Who is God

Who is God – In today’s modern world most people do not believe in the existence of God. Out of those people who believe in God, most of them have a false conception of God that is not in accordance with the scriptures. Thus I have mentioned the misconceptions that people have about God and have tried to clarify it based on scriptural evidence.

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Why Should One Worship Lord Krishna?

Why Should one worship lord krishna

Why Should One Worship Lord Krishna – Krsna is hailed as the Supreme Person in almost all of Vedic scriptures. Then why people in general are not able to comprehend if it’s so straightforward? The reason is that people do not bother to read the scriptures scrutinizingly and even when they do, they get flowing by the myriad of explanations on the multitude of dimensions the scriptures portray. Thus they miss the real meaning. So let us see how Krsna can be accepte as the Supreme Personality from the ontological (Vedic), historical and empirical perspectives.

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