Why should I Read Bhagavad Gita – Bhagavad Gita is the most quintessential literature among all Vedic compositions. This composition as compiled by the great sage Vyasadeva has been endearing to all those who seek Truth, who look for perfection, who are interested in a complete science of everything irrespective of caste, creed, religion and nationality. This holy book presents the science of life, as it is, which was originally spoken to Arjun by Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the battlefield of Mahabharata approximately 5000 years ago.
Through the ages, Srimad Bhagavad Gita has inspired and guided hosts of philosophers and scientists. Its influence is not limited to India. There is not a single language in the world in which Bhagavad Gita has not been translated. Just like the Quran and Bible are known all over the world, Bhagavad Gita is also known and respected in the entire world.
Table of Contents
Bhagavad Gita – The Timeless Science
Bhagavad Gita is not the science of a particular community – it is the universal science of the soul. It is a science that compels us to embrace divinity and divine qualities. All other bodies of knowledge are subject to change but this body of knowledge contained in Bhagavad Gita is timeless – eternal.
If a big reservoir of water is within one’s reach then where is the need to go looking for a well in order to quench thirst? Bhagavad Gita is exactly like a big reservoir of water that explains the essence of all Vedic literature and indeed there is no need to resort to any other literature in order to understand the science of self-realization.
Bhagavad Gita – The Torch-light of Wisdom
Arjuna in the battlefield got confused about his duty. Like Arjuna, we are all confused about our duty. This world is a battlefield. It requires great humility to ask perfect questions. Arjuna had that humility and thus he surrendered to Lord Krishna – the Absolute Truth, to get his confusion removed. Similarly we should also surrender to Lord Krishna while seeking His guidance. Lord Krishna’s instructions are compiled in Bhagavad Gita to guide us through the ups and downs of life.
Bhagavad Gita is meant for those who wish to transcend all confusion. It seems that Krishna spoke to Arjuna so it is meant only for him but that is not true. It is meant for everybody. When you are confused in your search for truth, then the removal of that kind of confusion will bring enlightenment to one and all. Let’s see what some of the great historical personalities have said about Bhagavad Gita
Bhagavad Gita (BG) is a complete science -science of both spirit and matter from a holistic perspective. This book provides time-less science that is applicable to every human race in every corner of the society.
Bhagavad Gita informs us that we are tiny divine particles having the same quality as that of the Absolute divinity – Lord Krishna. Daily bathing in the message of Bhagavad Gita will help us to revive our divinity – spiritual qualities.
We crave for relationships – but all of them are temporary – some of them are even source of agony. Bhagavad Gita answers the nature of this pure relationship and its shelter. When we connect ourselves in yoga-system with Lord Krishna, we establish our divine relationship with Him. This in turn makes our filial or worldly relationships also divine.
Modern scientists believe that, you are this body which is made up of chemicals like iron, calcium, phosphorus, water and other content. They think that you are simply a bag of chemicals, but the total value of these chemicals put together is only some hundred rupees. So, are we just
a bag of chemicals worth few hundred rupees? No! Bhagavad Gita teaches us that we are not simply matter because if we are just matter or chemicals, then we should not complain when we are attacked, just like a house doesn’t complain when you throw stone at it or one should not complain when he/she is hit. Isn’t it? But this is not the case. You are not just a bag of chemicals; you are Spirit Soul, a conscious being.
Everything here is temporary– what is permanent? Bhagavad Gita again provides a wonderful answer stating that the shelter of the Lord, His abode and His devotional service are eternal.
Bhagavad Gita is that timeless science which has answers to all our thought provoking queries.