Visiting the Holy Dhama

Visiting the Holy Dhama

Hare Krishna!!

We all are interested to go outside for a visit or tour. We like to have a visit with our family members. It is a great fun with them.

Let’s have a short discussion on this topic…

We all are interested to have spend time with our family members. Purpose is to gain pleasure. We also gain such pleasure in visiting the holy places of The Supreme Lord. In material terms, such pleasure makes our connection strong with our near and dear ones. We build beautiful memories. Such memories, mostly, used to be material or temporary. In divine realm, visiting to holy places means build strong, transcendental and permanent connection with The Supreme Lord and the devotees. A permanent bond!!

Although, it seems that we are taking a material route to visit permanent divine places. It is false. The route is permanent, it is spiritual. Any material element if used in service of The Supreme Lord is no longer material. It becomes spiritual. Just like the copper wire, if used in electricity, is no longer wire. It automatically becomes a part of electricity.

If we use our desire of going outside for our pleasure to the service of The Supreme Lord, then we will make permanent memories. We will build permanent connection. If we remember the past memories, it lead us to live in the mode of ignorance. But, if we remember our past transcendental memories, then it lead us to live in the mode of goodness. Surely, visiting the holy places in association of devotees excels our spiritual growth.

Why not have a visit to your nearby ISKCON Centres with your friends and relatives and build beautiful transcendental and permanent memories!!!

Hare Krishna!!