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Hare Krishna!!
This material world is a civilization of competition. We cannot live without being competitive. It is our natural tendency. Students, businessmen, artisans, etc. work with tending to come out as the best.
Let us talk on this topic having Vedic insight!!
Everything in the material world comes out from the spiritual world. Means: that there is also a divine flood of competitions eternally held in the spiritual world. The result is divine pleasure. The competitors, in the spiritual world, relish the divine fruits of eternal bliss altogether. They celebrate it as a festival, no matter whether one has won or lost. Festival of divine competitions!! Flood of divine competitions!!
One can ask: why does one celebrate if one loses?? Reason: devotional services, in the divine cosmos, are held for the pleasure of the spiritual master and The Supreme Lord and not for the pleasure of oneself. (hṛṣīkeṇa hṛṣīkeśa-sevanaṁ bhaktir ucyate: CC Madhya 19.170) As a result, the devotees achieve transcendental bliss by the will of the all-merciful Lord Hari. Thus, competitions, in the spiritual world, create an atmosphere of divine happiness and pure love.

But, in the material world, competitions are held for the satisfaction of one’s senses, which at the present state are impure with lust, envy, greed, and so on. Pleasing our selfish whims!!
Our material senses, and our materially affected whims are not permanent.
This means: that satisfaction out of competition brings NO eternal bliss. That’s temporary. Thus, if we lose, then we get envious. Thus occurs war, stress, depression, and many other problems at different levels. And, if we win, then we get puffed up out of pride. Both are diseases for us. How can one be happy if he is diseased??? NO!! we cannot be. It’s our illusion only.
What should we do??
We need to spiritualize our spirit of being competitive, and thus our senses. We should be competitive for pleasing the spiritual master and The Supreme Lord Krishna, which will spontaneously bring eternal happiness and bliss, as our very nature is blissful being the part and parcels of The Supreme Lord, which is now covered by avidyā Or ignorance, for which we have forgotten our real blissful identity and our divine relationship with the Lord.
Let us altogether spiritualize our mood of competitiveness and bring eternal happiness in our lives!! Let us chant the glorious holy name for the divine pleasure of Guru and Gauranga!!
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare//
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare//
Hare Krishna!!!