Moving Towards an Auspicious Life!!!

Moving Towards an Auspicious Life!!!

Hare Krishna!!

Our lives are filled, today, with the poison of inauspiciousness. No matter how proudly we deny, we are dying every moment with anxieties, doubts, fears and unstablility. Everytime, we practice new and new methodologies to get our of these poisonous shackles of material modes of nature.

Let us have a brief discussion on this wonderful topic taking the sip of divine nectar of our Vedic wisdom!!!

As the title is suggesting, we all seek an auspicious life. But, how many of us eager to practice for living this life??? Our endeavors are like asking to relish the tasteful bite of the fruit without touching it with mouth. Means faulty endeavors!! This surely suggests our foolishness. Each year new plans are enacted. But, what happens??? Material nature gives zero ratings. And, our attempts at peace and friendship fail.

Reason???? What is the main reason then???

In purport to SB(1.1.16), Srila Prabhupada says, “The leaders of the people are very much anxious to live in peace and friendship, but they have no information of the simple method of hearing the glories of the Lord.”

We all are not eager to hear about the Supreme Lord. Even if we are invited, we give an elaborate data and statistics of our busy schedule.

The sages at Naimisaranya asked to Suta Goswami “Who is there, desiring deliverance from the vices of the age of quarrel, who is not willing to hear the virtuous glories of the Lord?” (SB 1.1.16)

The most out of the most easiest way to lead an auspicious life is Hearing, Hearing and Hearing about the glories of The Supreme Lord Sri Krishna!! Then only can we be happy! Otherwise, no matter how much we put forward data of our raising slope of progress, that will be our waste of time only.

Let us read Bhagavad Gita As It Is altogether!!

Let us move towards an auspicious life!!

Hare Krishna!!