Hare Krishna!!

Today, we all are celebrating National Youth Day. Youth, no doubt, plays an important role in our Indian infrastructure. Today, youths are driven by modernity, modern thoughts. Although, it leads to build their personality and shape their status, but also give a dark status of life. Many youths got drug addicted, and many other bad habits. Parents, also worried, when they hear about such cases.

Let’s have a talk on this topic for getting permanent solutions….

Prahalad Maharaj gives us statistics that we waste 50% of our life in sleeping. Our childhood is spent in ignorance. Old age, no doubt, weakens us and our efforts. Then, what to speak of the remaining time i.e. youthful age! We spent this time period in so-called modern advancement. Leading us to no advancement in self-realization. Means

advancement to settle ourselves in animalistic lifestyle.

Youth minds, as we can see, are no doubt shaping the very future of the nation. But, what about the unengaged youth minds??

There is a popular saying, “An empty mind is a devil’s workshop.” No engagement means seeking the so-called divine company of mind. Such situations only create chaos in the society. We can check it from newspapers, TV, Internet and other social media applications. Unengaged youthful minds give the dissatisfied results like as- terrorism, war, mass-killing, liquor addiction, gambling, illicit relationships and many others.

Main reason behind is unsatisfaction. No doubt we all want happiness. But, our misfortune is that we are not being taught about the right way to gain happiness. The eternal nectar of happiness!! This nectar resides in our scriptures. If we are trained in getting this nectar via proper medium, then surely we will gain eternal joy.

Our minds are engaged as the animalistic mind does. We are engaging our minds in advancement of

enjoying the material temporary nectar of eating, mating, sleeping and defending.

Need is to move a step forward- to know the divinity. Otherwise, only and only agitated and frustrated mind!!

Let us gain the divine nectar of Bhagavad Gita As It Is and make our Youth Minds free from anxieties and tensions!!

Let us get engaged in Krishna Consciousness with fresh and youthful minds…

Hare Krishna!!